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Kytiara said:

You know, for once instead of blaming the developers and calling them lazy, why don't you blame the people who actually make decisions such as the executives setting budgets and timelines...

Sorry, but people constantly saying that its all the lazy developers fault pisses me off because often we (as I developer software) don't have that much say in what goes out in the final product.

edit: Just a final point, the games that look good and play good, probably got way more budget and likely had less strict deadlines than those that play like crap or look the same...

Hold on there Pilgrim, I was using the term developer meaning the company, not the hard working guys in the trenches. I'm pretty sure that no actual designer or programmer ever wanted to do a half assed job. I'm perfectly aware that the blame goes to the brass hats and bean counters. Those are the ones that need an attitude readjustment. I've read on line that a lot of the people who actually do the games are interested in trying their hand at the Wii, and given the leadership and support they deserve and need, they'd probably do a damn good job.