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Miyamotoo said:
Swordmasterman said:

That isn't how it works, we aren't talking about oil sales or any other thing. The consumer has hundreds/thousands of games to chose from and Installbase's influence has a limit in those sales. But, for you, it has unlimited and exactly proportional influence.

Mario Kart sold nearly the same on GmaeCube than it did on the Wii U, won't take that into account ?

Metal Gear Solid's franchise has almost the same number of sales between plataforms with 100-155-80 millions of installbase.


Call of Duty is selling more on the PS4 because   it is a worldwide success while the Xbox is just a USA and UK's success. Playstation is very popular in  Europe, as always, where Uncharted has the majority of sales. The Xbox is more popular now on the USA than it was when Halo 3 launched, 75-80% of Halo sales are on the USA. But, even so, it underperformed and sold less than 1/3 of what Halo 3 did on launch with some millions more  people to purchase in the market where it sells the most.


You missing point, how much MK GC would sell if instal base of GC is higher, or how much MK8 would sell if Wii U instal base is twice of actual instal base. Thats my point when people comparing sales of U4 on instal base of 45m and Halo 5 on instal base of 23m.

Call Of Duty selling exactly twice more on PS4 than XB1 because there are twice more people having PS4 instead of XB1, attach rate for that game is identical on PS4 and XB1.

The point you're making isn't a hard one to grasp, I don't think anyone here is misunderstanding you. I think that they're saying that sales don't scale linearly with install base, which they don't, and the black ops 3 example you posted is an anomaly in that black ops 3 was A) marketed for and by Sony but more importantly, B) black ops 3 was bundled with ps4 which tends to skew things, with the real kicker here being that like 90% of Ps4 sales through the first quarter after Bo3 came out were from the bundle alone. This implies that You would have more trouble finding a ps4 without Bo3 bundled than you would with it. If you want to prove or disprove your hypothesis, then the most obvious way would be to compare sales for any AAA Multiplat that was never bundled with either console. According to your logic, and what makes this comparison so easy, is that sales for ps4 to xb1 is very close to 2:1, so by your logic, all Multiplat AAA games should sell at that exact ratio between the HD twins.


FYi VgChartz tracking is horribly off for many games. This is the same site that says that Overwatch sold a cumulative 3.x million copies across PC ps4 and xb1 which we know from statements by blizzard that the game is well north of 12 million. In any case, if a game does sell 2 times that of xb than PlayStation, it's the exception, not the norm.