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curl-6 said:
katakpisang said:

calm down here dude

Monster Hunter series stagnant?

for every mainline series it comes with a lot of new things compared to the previous version

jump from MH3 to MH4 is bigger than dark soul to dark soul 3  in comparison

or you just want cosmetic aesthetic like a graphical improvement rather than game mechanic improvement? 

so what is your ideal of good improvement here ? 

gameplay >>> graphics

Gameplay > Graphics sounds good and all, until you have a game in 2016 that looks scarcely any better than the series debut in 2004. Imagine if Halo 5 came out looking just like Halo 2 from 2004, or Breath of the Wild released next year with Gamecube-tier graphics.

It's not even the graphics alone, its the sheer laziness.

and you expect them to give PC level graphics on 3ds? come on dude please be real they already doing everything they can to get every inch of juice from 3ds

your statement is correct when mainline monster hunter on another platform and still looking like ps2 graphics the problem here is not

we have Monster Hunter online from tencent using cryengine for graphics and it looks cool and great but with dos level of gameplay it looks like shit compares to mh4u vertical gameplay with 3ds graphics

did you really think what makes  MH good is graphics alone?


monster AI

Weapon Variety ( every weapon feels exactly unique unlike dark soul which is basically the same shit for every weapon class)

Terrain and verticality level (mh4u is great while generation takes a few step back on map design)

Difficulties (not baby like dark soul , dmc or bayonetta )

If everything about graphics then monster hunter is no longer monster hunter fans want to play and should rename it to graphics hunter instead