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LadyJasmine said:
Both Hillary and Trump would start a war.

I think people trust Hillary would just not go nuclear.

I just have to disagree here.  Trump is an isolationist who talks of building walls and making countries pay for US protection -- these are not the views of a warmongerer .  Hillary is a globalist who wants to nation-build and she is already saying that Russian cyber attacks will be treated the same as military attacks.  A direct military confrontation with Russia is insane and I can't believe that she is already talking about this as well as the need for a 4 minute reponse time for launching nuclear weapons during the campaign when politicians are supposed to be showing their best face.  The Cold War was a pretty scary time to be alive and I think that this kind of talk is even beyond that.

I am not saying that I completely agree with Trump since US isolationism and lack of foreign policy in the 1930's played a part in allowing WWII to get as bad as it did.  That said, when you have the other candidate openly posturing war with Russia I think that it is very clear that Trump is the lesser evil.  Nobody who talks about a direct military confrontation with Russia before they even get elected belongs anywhere near the Whitehouse.