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Nem said:
LivingMetal said:

Do you honestly believe in the logic of what you're saying?  Not having all the information doesn't mean something didn't happen.  Think, and stop making political excuses.  It's a fact that Clinton lied when she said she turned over all email because more surfaced.  The logic here is that she's hiding something.  I don't know exactly what it is, and I'm not condemning her of anything.  But you cannot deny the fact that she lied.  As more unfolds, the findings might reveal criminal activity or it might not.  But you cannot blame anyone for concluding so because she lied.  That's why we persue issues to find the truth, and you're no different.

You are the one not making sense. Not having all the information means that it may or may not have happened. Not that it happened for sure. You are ASSUMING without any proof to be sure.

She already apologised for the server thing. She admited it was her mistake and there was no protocol so she was left to her own devices. That does not make her crooked.

I believe the tally is Hillary lies 14% of the time and Trump lies 54% of the time. Now make your choice.

Based on Politifact, that's definitely the case.