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Bethesda gets almost universally great reviews on their titles. I don't think this is a case of wanting to take advantage of gamers going in on day 1 unaware of 'bad things' but rather Bethesda just doesn't enjoy the headache of deciding who to send early copies of the game to review and going through the whole process of that

in the end those pumped for day 1 release are probably going to buy the game day 1 regardless, and others can hold off a few days after release for reviews to pop up then.

It doesn't have any major effect. Again, if this were a company infamous for sketchy releases at times (Ubisoft, EA) then I would be more concerned. Bethesda almost never truly fails so I don't think its justified to label this as some anti consumer move. If anything its possibly anti media/game sites... which based on Bethesda's history of a ton of 'gamer' sites leaking spoil information for their games, I'm not shocked