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Imaginedvl said:
DonFerrari said:

That is shipped to customer, already been debunked dozen of times in this thread alone. But if you want to believe their PR ok, it just contradicts the estimative of 25-30% digital sales pushing it over 50% which would be another mistake... but if that will make you happy go with it.

I guess we have a very different definition of debunked :)

I do not see anything debunking that in the thread alone other that people wishing/hoping for it to be false and stating is at a fact. I'm sorry but everywhere you look at; there is no such thing as those 5 millions figure being "shipped" only but really "sold". I'm sure you can find one or two articles with some conspiration theory and Internet forum analysts saying or trying to prove otherwise though...

For the 30% to 50% in digital; I do not see why this would be a mistake to believe that. Esp. for certain games and the way Microsoft is pushing for them digitaly (including using the Xbox One dashboard to promote it and make it super easy to buy).

All answer we saw on the 5M sold and the amount of profits it got were show to be shipped, sales would be an estimative.

The 25-30% is even what debunked it, and already mentioned to be provided by aquamarine; which is much more thrustworthy on numbers than the wishfull threads we got on especulation that it had over 50% digital ratio.

Imaginedvl said:
DonFerrari said:

You ruled out Splatoon selling more than both on a userbase that is half X1 and 1/4 PS4... and want to see how you rule out Halo 3 selling a lot more than Halo 5 even on a lower userbase. The userbase excuse is the least convincing since we know for a long time that attach ratio isn't constant with the increase of the userbase since the bigger the userbase the more varied taste.

Nobody is ruling out things; you are just trying to prove something that does not exist.

The userbase "excuse" is just a fact.

Numbers are simple:

Play Station Four user base = Xbox One user base X 2
VGChartz numbers for UC4 = Halo 5 = 4.2m

That's it... No matter what you want to prove. Userbase is the double therefore achieving that sale number for UC4 is just easier. Why do you even try to argue against that lol It is basic math and comon sense...

What is your agenda exactly? Because mine is to talk about the UC4 vs Halo 5 sales. you seem to be focusing on something else and I'm just not getting into it I guess :) Sorry

So explain how Halo 3 sold like double Halo 5 in a smaller userbase or that Splatoon sold more than both with smaller userbase? My agenda is to show that userbase isn't the most relevant part, and could even be used to show how weaker Halo is... from being the console that made people buy original Xbox (tremendous attach ratio) to the sw that broke records for Xbox 1st party on X360 (on a smaller userbase than on X1) to now not being able to push consoles and have people using excuses that it didn't sold better than UC4 because of userbase (comparing to Uncharted averaging 7M on PS3 85M userbase so PS4 already close to it on half the userbase).

So we see a franchise growing weaker and another growing stronger, but you want to dismiss all that due to different userbase... funny enough on several NPDs when X1 version of games sold significantly better than PS4 version you were probably dormant right?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."