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He'd never do it. I wish he would. He is destroying the GOP this cycle, but he'll never get a second shot.

First of all, his finances are going to be RUINED by then. The man's entire business is to stick his name on the front of buildings... Who the hell is gonna wanna stick his name on their building now? EVERYONE knows who Donald Trump is now. He has his ultra hard right followers, but they'll largely disappear after the election. I hope. And I don't think those crazies are enough to support Trump's businesses.

Secondly, the republican party is going to come together in a never before showing of unity to oust the man from ever stepping foot in politics ever again. Sure they stand behind him now, but after the election, they're going on a witch hunt.

That's actually another reason I think his business is going to go kaput. He's just pissed off all the richest people in the world. They're going to go out of their way to ruin the man after this.

Thirdly, because of all the damage to his finance, he's gonna be too scared to try to run again. Even as a "self-funded" candidate. If he pulls any semblance of wealth out of his current state, he's gonna be too scared to try again. Even the dumbest person won't jump into the fire a second time.