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The main things they fucked up were matchmaking and presentation. In Stage 2 as a monster player I believe I am like... 200-20, and a lot of those 20 losses are server crashes or hackers. As someone who got elite status with a monster, I should not be matched up against noobs, but you constantly are. This makes those hunter players frustrated and surely leads to less of them coming back for more punishment.

And in terms of presentation, the game needed in depth tutorials for all hunter characters, or at worst, all the hunter classes. Tons of times I'd be a hunter and our trapper would not even know their responsibility was to trap the monster. One of the trapper characters has a dog type sidekick that literally tracks the monster if you just run behind her, but a majority of players would just run off wherever, which makes the animal follow you instead of tracking.

I look forward to whatever they work on next outside the shackles of 2k's shitty marketing and DLC greed.