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I can't remember when Nintendo was suppose to have production increased, but I'd say around then. Because if they produce 2.4 million a month (or about 560k a week), then selling 450k a week would give them about 100k to stock away for Christmas.

If we assume they'll have production increased the week of July 1st, that gives them about 15-18 weeks to stockpile, which would come out to about 1.5 to 1.8 million for Christmas, not to mention what they already have stockpiled.

My breakdown by region of average weekly sales would be something like this:
Japan: 40k (though as we go into the summer months it's only going to drop)
NA: 250k
Others: 130k
Total: 420k

So I wouldn't really have it at 450k weekly, because Japan's going to start bottoming out, Others should drop a bit more, and I don't think NA can make up the difference, with 250k being the max (with prolonged and enough supply) weekly sales.