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My problem with the current debate is the fact that it's not really a debate, and that's because it seems that many of the vocal people on either side completely fail to see the opposing side's argument. I'm a college student, and I'm actually afraid to say that I'm pro-life because I know I'm probably going to get labelled as a misogynist, bigot, who just wants to limit women's freedom. And on the other side, many pro-life people think that a pro-choice person is just a baby killer because being pregnant is an inconvenience. Both are incredibly wrong. I'm not pro-life because I think woman shouldn't be able to do what they want with their bodies, I just believe that ending a human life is wrong unless it's necessary. Most prochoice people simply don't see it as a human life yet, and that's why they don't see it as a big deal. The problem is that we won't reach a compromise until people can actually have a civilized discussion about the issue.