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yushire said:
MontanaHatchet said:

No, if more people are buying the Wii and DS than less people are buying the 360 and PS3.

In fact, the 360 is actually selling more by time period in NA than the Xbox last generation, the second place console last generation in America. Every territory has its off weeks for each console or every console. This was a bad week for everyone but Nintendo.

So when do you think america starting to pump hardware sales again? I doubt it will be next week since theres no good game even for next week. So these sales decline will continue till MGS4?


The U.S. can have off weeks just like every territory, really. This wasn't so much an off week as a Nintendomination week. The only big release I can even think of this week on the HD consoles is Haze, and poor rated games aimed at the hardcore crowd usually do very poorly.

As the Wii Fit hype gets to sane levels and the Metal Gear Solid 4 hype kicks in, we should start seeing more balanced sales.