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Xbox Scorpio Making "Amazing Progress," Spencer Says

"There is a lot of time to go, but we feel good about how the things are coming together," he said. "The teams understand the performance spec that we're building. We went through some of the high-level specs at E3 in the video. And it gives the teams time to make sure that they're targeting that performance for their games. Luckily so many of both our internal teams and partners are also building on PC.

"So it's not hard for us to say, 'Okay this is the PC spec that you can expect with what we're building on Scorpio,' so it allows them to make sure they have the assets and capability to deliver. Since we're focusing on a box that can support true 4K and a 4K frame buffer and a lot of PC games already support that; it's not a new language or asset base for them in terms of things that we're asking them to go do. I'm also pretty confident in the content lineup that we'll see."

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