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Lafiel said:
Ronster316 said:

Disproven? HAHAHAHAHA, only because the Clinton News Network, and all the other biased mianstream media sites continue to cover unproven stories about trumps "so called" rape accusers, and then go on to give NO AIR TIME to Wikileaks or the Project Veritas story currently doing the rounds

Its people like you who are the problem, you will SWALLOW anything the Mainstream media feed you.


Same BS happened with Brexit, BBCs remain BIAS was simply way too obvious, and she same crap is happening again now with the presidential elections.

instead you swallow anything the alt-right media feeds you

even that laughable "project veritas" video by James O'Keefe, who has been busted faking/heavily editing videos to alter statements before

WOW, just WOW.......... even video proof is not enough for you lefties........  YOU know it, and i KNOW it, that video about Clintons bird doggers was not edited, get you're head out of the sand man, how brainwashed has this world become?