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Another Yahtzee interview: ( Source: )

Australia's Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw has rapidly become one of the world's most-loved game reviewers, his popularity evidenced by last week's chaotic scenes at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image.

ACMI has asked Yahtzee and Screen Play back for another free event on July 10 at 6pm as part of the final week of the must-see Game On exhibition, and as an acknowledgement of the hundreds of disappointed attendees who missed out on last week's panel on games reviewing.

This time the venue will be larger (the ACMI cinemas), staff will not be caught by surprise if a large crowd turns up (tickets will be available from 10am) and we will chat about a much wider range of game industry issues.

Yahtzee also kindly gave up some of his precious time last week for the interview below, in which he explains the genesis of Zero Punctuation, his reaction to fans, and other topics like the benefits and pitfalls of living in Australia.

Why are you so passionate about video games?

Why is anyone passionate about anything? I grew up on them, many games have provoked emotional reactions in me, and I want to share those reactions. I want to make games that do to others what my favourite games have done to me.

How did you come up with the style of your Zero Punctuation reviews, such as the animation and the fast-talking delivery?

It's hard to say. I've been influenced for years by all sorts of writers and styles of delivery. When I first created ZP, the animation came of wanting to see if I could make a video with no actual video recording equipment, only narration over PhotoShop images. The delivery came from just what I thought was a natural reading of my usual writing style. I didn't realise I was talking so fast until someone pointed it out and I decided to run with it.

How would you describe the last 12 months?

A lot more colourful than the preceding 48 months put together. Because of ZP I've lost all my financial worries, met personal heroes, and travelled around the world. The concern now is getting too much achieved while still young and running out of steam.

How do you feel when you are mobbed at events like GDC or the recent talk at ACMI? It seems that a lot of your fans are the kinds of obsessive types that you've criticised in some of your pieces...

Kind of embarrassed, really. I don't feel special or famous or anything, and the feeling when I run into people like my fans is that there must be something wrong with them.

What do you think your popularity says about video games?

Possibly that they themselves are growing in popularity, but I think it says more for the fact that the nature of the internet attracts weird mindsets.

What do you think of the standard of most games reviews?

To be honest, I try not to read them. Especially not ones for reviews of games I intend to review myself, because they might colour my opinion. I think most reviewers can do a decent enough job of just explaining what a game is about, and if that's all their readers want from a review, then fair enough. But as we know, reviewing and criticising are very different things.

Do you think that most reviewers are afraid to say what they really think about some popular or highly anticipated games?

My, what a very loaded question that was. I think the Gamespot Kane & Lynch debacle highlights this very clearly. I think when you go into reviewing it's important not to start relying too much on game companies or publishers for information or sponsorship, because then things spiral into this sort of thing.

Would your Mum prefer it if you weren't so vulgar in your reviews?

Probably, yes, but I think she understands that that's where a lot of the appeal lies.

Out of all the feathers in your Trilby, what do you enjoy the most?

Okay, if I'm reading this question right, you're asking me in a flowery manner what my favourite thing to do is? Design freeware games, I guess. I still prefer the thrill of game development to any work in the gaming media. I recently started a new one after a bit of a stretch of game designer's block and I suddenly feel a lot better about myself.

Do you feel like Zero Punctuation is just a short-lived springboard to a hopefully long career in games design and writing?

I think I can see myself doing ZP even while doing games design and other writing, because that's pretty much what I do now. It's a good way to keep the old designer brain running and the writing ability ticking over.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in Australia?

Advantages? Nice weather, nice people, really up-and-coming local games industry. Disadvantages? Most global game publishers seem to regard us as they would regard something they found on the soles of their shoes, staggering out release dates and bumping up the price. Probably jealous of the beaches.

Thanks for your time, Ben. I'm looking forward to the next event.


Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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