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bunchanumbers said:
It won't beat 3DS. It might crack 40m. Even that might be lucky. Trying to convince people that a 720p tablet is worth $399 (rumored) will be the hardest sell Nintendo ever does. It won't have access to ios or android. If you look at the reveal video it doesn't show any functionality outside of video games. And according to some here, it won't even have a touchscreen and you will be required to use the controller nubs to navigate the OS.

So why would the average consumer buy a 720p tablet with no touchscreen at such a high price?

First of all, I really dont believe the price of the basic model, which is the one that will really count, is going to be that expensive.I think we are seeing a 300 price tag here.And there are rumors to back this up, as Laura Kate(I think it was her and I think thats her name), the one that has been leaking stuff lately, has said that the basic model would be 300 and the "premium" model would be 400.I assume premium here comes with more acessories and maybe a game or two.

And do you really think it wont have apps or other functionalitys, like amazon, netflix youtube and stuff likfe that?I mean, if even the Wii U had them, then Switch will have them at least.As for the touchscreen, that could go either way, but again, there are rumors claiming that there is, by the same person I mentioned.

In the end, itys all a prediction, a guess.And if it wasnt a bold one, it would be exactly a prediction right?

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.