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Console Profitability Over the Last 19 MonthsAlthough getting really accurate information is difficult because the manufacturers don’t like to give it out, using the best information I have been able to find, here are the estimated per unit profit of each console as of Nov. 2006 and today. Average is taken between models without accurately factoring in model mix. Profit is estimated as 40% net income. Corrections or better information welcome; I’m no great expert.For those that like the short version, here is what I came up with
ConsoleProfit  11/2006Profit  6/2008
PS 3(- $275.00)$ 0
Xbox 360$28*$50

* Overall profit wiped out by RRD costs


Toyo Economics TK news-paper has published teardown analysis of the Nintendo Wii game console, according to which each unit of the game machine costs Nintendo as much as $158.3. The news-paper states that ATI-developed code-named Hollywood graphics processor costs $29.6, IBM’s custom Broadway microprocessor takes $13 to be delivered to Nintendo, $31 is paid for Matsushita-made optical disc drive, memory array costs $7.80 and power supply unit stands at $11.30. Nintendo reportedly pays Foxconn Electronics $19.50 for Wii assembly, reports WiiInside web-site.Estimating than Nintendo has used scale and costs reductions at about the same rate as the competition their profits should have increased (conservatively)

$40.00 estimated profit 11/2006

$60 estimated profit now

Taking an average of $50.00 x  26.37 Million Consoles Sold  Total $ 1.32 Billion


Table 1 below presents iSuppli’s estimate of major component and subsystem cost drivers for the PlayStation 3.

Sony instituted aggressive cost reductionAlready such changes have cut the cost per machine to around US$400 now, from above $800 just before it went on sale in November, 2006 … We think the biggest factor here is that simplification has become possible through a reduction in the parts count, leading to a reduction in costs.  

The Reductions Came at a CostThe cost savings have come from a number of different areas, including the removal of the chip allowing for backwards compatibility, the removal of a memory card reader, two USB ports, and general design tweaks on the machine.$400 cost / $399 retail means profits are meager indeed.
Estimated Profits at Launch  - $275.00
Estimated Profit Now $ 0 

Xbox 360

As Nov. 2006 the Xbox cost about $75 less to manufacturer than retail Profit would have been about 40% ($28.00)
except Microsoft took a huge hit on warranty repairs because of RRD

Table 2 below presents a comparison of costs between the PlayStation 3 models and the Xbox 360.

Retail Price (BestBuy)  Xbox $349.00                $449 Elite           $279.00 Arcade

Microsoft has also managed to reduce costs but has given some of it back in price cuts

Estimated Profit Nov. 206                      $28

Estimated  Average Profit    Now           $50.00