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Legend11 said:
Bodhesatva said:
Legend11 said:
Bodhesatva said:
Legend11 said:
Timmah! said:

As a console does well, more games flock to it. As more games flock to it, the console does even better, so even more games are developed for it...

The snowball has begun to roll...

That's not to say the other consoles won't have some kick-ass games, but when I want graphics I'm going to get a GeForce8800 SLI rig and make PS3 and X360 look like nothing. I'll probably still play the wii more though.

A little off topic but good luck playing Resident Evil 5, Gears of War 2, Grand Theft Auto 4, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy 13, Gran Turismo 5, Metal Gear Solid 4, and the many other exclusives of those systems on your high-end PC. Don't get me wrong the PC has some good games coming like Crysis (2007?)and Starcraft 2 (2008?), but there are still a lot of good stuff you'll be missing out on and that can only be experienced on those consoles.

I do agree, Legend, but the 360 and PS3 represent a semi-akward middle ground. Here's an argument to explain what I mean.

Person 1: "I care about graphics!"

Person 2: "Okay then, get a PC."

Person 1: "But I need a lot of exclusive games. Sure the PC has some, but I want lots."

Person 2: "Oh, you want a lot of games? Then I'd recommend getting a Wii. It's going to have the most exclusive games."

Person 1: "But the graphics aren't good enough!"

In other words, 360/PS3 have more games than the PC, but less than the Wii; 360/PS3 has better graphics than the Wii, but worse than the PC. The two consoles get sandwhiched in between, and I think it's to their detriment.

With that said, the 360/PS3 (I think especially the 360, your console of choice) are going to have many great games over their lifespan, and if you happen to care about the 360/PS3's great games more than the PC/Wiis, then more power to you.

Your conversation between Person 1 and Person 2 doesn't actually make any sense.

Can you explain why not? It's absolutely reasonable from my perspective.

Conversation broken down logically:

Statement A: "I care about graphics" (excludes the Wii)

Statement B: "I want lots of exclusives" (includes the Wii)

Statement A AND Statement B (excludes the Wii)

Yet in your conversation Person 2 recommends a Wii to Person 1 when it was already excluded, that's why it doesn't make any sense.

Now hopefully this thread gets back on topic.

No, my point wasn't that the Wii was the right choice for person 1. It wasn't pro-Wii statement, it was sort-of-semi anti PS3/360. The idea is that 360 and PS3 have good graphics... but not as good as the PC. They have a good deal of exclusive games... but not as many as the Wii.

The 360 and PS3 are sandwhiched in between the ultimate hardcore gaming machine and a much more casual one, and I think that's bad for both systems. You could argue otherwise -- that they achieve a perfect balance of graphics and available titles, hardcoreness and casualness -- and if that's your thing, go for it.">">