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Sh1nn said:
Going by dev kit spec Switch gonna be underpowered home console and a powerful mobile device

Here some info from Zlatan from anandtech

"The memory bandwidth is extremely weak compared to the standard desktop consoles. Most titles will render 540p which is the minimum requirement from Nintendo."
"I can say that this is an SoC with a Pascal GPU. It's fast compared to other mobile products, but nowhere near as good as the Xbox One SoC. But hey, it consumes a lot less power. :) It is a very good product for the mobile market."

Upscale from 540p to 1080 or even 4K is gonna look ugly as f

Upscaling on a small mobile screen shouldn't be too jarring. But upscaling that on a 60" TV will be terrible.

Xen said:
4GB @ 25.6GB/s? Shared with video?

Yeah... good luck with that. That's the kind of bandwidth my video card had in 2010... and my videocard was a GT 420m.

It's not 25.6Gb/s in the real world and is not representative of your old Geforce.

Wyrdness said:
Sh1nn said:

that's dev kit spec

Nvidia confirmed Switch is Pascal so why would the devkit have Maxwell?

If you cared to read... The Dev kit says Maxwell 2nd Generation. That's Pascal.

RolStoppable said:

In order to conclude that Switch is way more powerful than Wii U, we first need games that show that without a doubt. Needless to say, we have not seen such games yet.

Without a doubt I can say it is vastly superior to the Wii U in every aspect. There isn't even any need for games to prove this point.

onionberry said:

this console has a new pascal architecture, the ps4 has an old radeon with a mobile cpu, it's not that impossible.

At the moment. It's impossible. Fabrication isn't "there" yet.
This device is using a modified Tegra, thus there are compromises in order to hit a low enough TDP for mobile devices.

CPU side though, nVidia's Big.Super Core layout might be able to beat Jaguar, I would need to see what Dev's do without first to know for sure.

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