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mrstickball said:
I guess the question is "why is it getting good, but not great scores"? It's got a 83.1 on Gamerankings with 7 reviews.

Is it:
1) The game is not that great
2) The game does not evolve much beyond NGB/NGS
3) There are technical issues (such as the frame rate issues)
4) The reviewers suck at games, and pull a Famitsu and dock points for difficulty

Take your pick. I can understand if it's #2, but don't see how one could justify a significantly lower score.

Of course, Mario Kart Wii has around the same score, and we know how that one turned out. I guess developers are only scoring things on "OMGZ GROUND BREAKING MATERIALZ" and are leaving out any idea if the game is actually...Good.

I believe the biggest reason why the game didn't score "great" was because of the camera issues. From what the reviews say, it seems like it's even worse than NGB/NGS and gives the already difficult enemies an unnecessary advantage. We all know how problematic camera issues could be if the enemies are already challenging and when there's platforming involved. Other than that, I'd say the level designs seems unchanged and at this point...dated. The VO and story is not much of an improvement either but one thing is clear, the combat system is improved and still aces.

The worse thing about this is that Itagaki was trashing his subordinate and NGS (which was a port) for not evolving the series, yet NG2 doesn't seem to do much evolving either.