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Love is a strong word, but I like my current job more than any previous role I've had. My hours are flexible, my manager trusts me to work at my own pace, and I even have a small team of technicians that report to me, which is helpful whenever I have too much on my own plate. It's the first job I've held where I can genuinely see myself working at the same desk in ten years time, albeit hopefully in a more advanced version of my current role.

Best part though, is having a nice group of peers to work with. I've held several jobs since graduating, and I've realized that, even as an introvert, having a positive group of people around really make or breaks the job. Knowing I have people back at the office I can rely on for information, support, and even just to vent about personal problems, helps my work setting feel more like a second home, rather than a void in my day that I need to fill to get paid.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334