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PAOerfulone said:
pokoko said:
I want Goldberg to beat Lesnar because I want it to signal Lesnar going away.

What they've done with Lesnar has been absolutely stupid and a massive mistake. It leaves me speechless. They've brought someone back from the past and made them not only unstoppable but then had them embarrass the guys your brand is going to depend on in the future. Absolutely freaking brainless. It has left the impression that A) guys from the past are head and shoulders stronger in the ring, and B) MMA guys are head and shoulders stronger than pro-wrestling guys.

The meaningful booking would have been to have Lesnar in competitive matches to show how good the current roster is. Have him undefeated, I don't care, just have his opponents look good. SUPER LESNAR is only good for a short-term gain but the negative effects are long-term.

Now, at this point, they're going to have to bring in someone to beat Lesnar. Better to have it be someone with a strong emotional imperative, such as a very last match, who isn't going to stick around and humiliate your roster.

Of course, they could bring up Joe or Nakamura and have them beat Lesnar, which would be awesome, but that would also elevate them way above your current roster, which is also very problematic.

The WWE has made a lot of questionable decisions over the years but this situation is just FUBAR.

As for wrestlers now not meeting the level of wrestlers in the past, that's more a symptom of the times. They're limited now in ways they were not before. Compare what Bray Wyatt can do with what characters like the Undertaker or Kane were allowed to do. No one is freaking afraid of him because all can really do is stalk people. I remember the Four Horsemen or the NWO "breaking" people's arms and legs. Heels now are basically just high school bullies. And if your heel isn't over as a heel then your face won't be over as a face.

It's like Wrestling Lite and people can feel the difference.

A) Here's the thing about Brock though. He is a world class, once in a lifetime, FREAK of NATURE athlete. 300 pound monster that can move as quick as Usian Bolt in his prime, a guy who suplexed the Big Show, who was well over 500 pounds at the time, on a regular consistent basis. 
Before going to MMA, Lesnar was the top dog in WWE from 2002 when he beat the Rock, to 2004 when he left. Nobody could even touch him! Then he went to UFC and became the Heavyweight Champion beating Randy Couture, won of the greatest if not THE greatest MMA fighters of all-time, a pro wrestler did that. It's got nothing to do with MMA guys being tougher than pro wrestling guys, it's a matter of Brock Lesnar being simply tougher than whoever steps in the ring/octagon with him. And to the point of him being head and shoulders stronger in the's because HE IS.

B) This has got to be the stupidest idea I have ever heard. What on God's Green Earth does Goldberg have to gain from beating Brock again? What does that do for anybody who faces Brock going forward and even beats him, it is NOWHERE NEAR as big of a boost as it could have been because this 49-50 year old, semi-retired pro wrestler, who hasn't competed in over 12 years already did it in his last match. If anything it would bury the current roster EVEN MORE! It would STILL humiliate the roster! Because the fact at a 49-50 year old, semi-retired pro wrestler, who hasn't stepped in the ring in 12 years, did something that they couldn't do. Of course they're going to look weak! You were complaining about how they have booked it so that it looks like the guys from the past are heads and shoulders above the current guys today, yet what you're suggesting would do EXACTLY that!

C) It's not just about the rub and push that Joe or Nakamura, or whichever full time guy beats him, I'd even take Reigns at this point. But also the guys they face after them on a full time basis and more importantly the guys who BEAT them!
For example: Say Nakamura beats Lesnar. Nakamura looks incredible, looks unstoppable, unbeatable, he looks like a million bucks. Give him a run with the World Championship, let him run with it for a good 5-6 months. Then have AJ Styles come back, they tear the house down with another classic like they did at Wrestle Kingdom 10, Styles goes over, now Styles looks like a million bucks! Then Styles gets a long run, then Ambrose beats him, now AMBROSE looks like a million bucks. 
Another example: Joe beats Brock. Joe gets a Universal Title run for 5-6 months. Then Owens beats him. OWENS looks like a million bucks. Owens gets a long run, then Cesaro beats him. Now CESARO looks like a million bucks! Etc. etc. etc.
Having a current, full-time guy beat this monster, in the short AND long term is best for the brand because it makes the current, full-time roster of guys we have today look strong and it slowly but surely elevates them over a lengthy period of time!

To be honest, I stop reading when you decided to you had to be insulting over fucking wrestling.  If you can't talk about this respectfully then I want nothing to do with you.