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Acevil said:
Ariakon said:

The difference between saying the no.1 movie in America is that A:) that's not typically how video game companies do it, and B:) there's another movie that released at the same time that has grossed more than it, and that has outgrossed it for 26 out of 34 months. 


There's nothing wrong with it, technically, it's just funny. It would be like the Eagles celebrating that they "won" the 4th quarter this weekend even though the Redskins ended up beating them. 

Don't worry I get that saying such statements is just silly to begin with. I just didn't like the notion that Sony would never do such a thing, when they have done similar things, and that thread went way different than this thread. Video Games companies market strangely, and they do spin. Every single one of them has done spin (this is a spin), if you been on this site long enough to see NPD threads alone namely for last generation, you would have seen crazy amounts of spin for all three. 

I agree about the spin, but I don't know if that particular spin is comparable. Video game sales do typically go by generation, so saying the best-selling console often implies that you're the best selling console of that generation. I think that's where MS is tweaking so many nerves right now, as it's basing the best-selling claim on a monthly basis, instead of the generational basis that most people associate with these type of claims. 

In the end, though, you're right, all companies spin, it's just that MS has gotten particularly crafty about it with the Xbox One.