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Cloudman said:
I feel personally this isn't something I can applaud for, as it feels like it borrows a lot from Minecraft to the point where it is essentially MC with Dragon Quest characters in it. Using the success to of another game to sell your own is not something I can applaud, and I expected better of Square Enix.

Uninformed posts like these should be a bannable offense by the mods, seriously. If you had even made the slightest effort to learn more about the game you'd know it's nothing like Minecraft. No it's essentials are nothing like MC. The core game is a rpg with main story and quests, the building elements feel like the classics like Suikoden and Dark Cloud. But here you are giving your 2 cents on something you know nothing about. What was the wise old adage? Don't judge a book by its cover.

Seriously worst post of the day.