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DonFerrari said:
Cerebralbore101 said:
With any luck the NX will have the combined library power of the 3DS and Wii U. That alone will be enough exclusives to put the other platforms to shame. Third party support or not. There are roughly four high quality games coming out for the 3DS per year. The Wii U got about three high quality games a year. If Nintendo consolidates its efforts to a single console then they should be capable of putting out 7-8 high quality games a year. That's 21 must own games in three years. Currently my PS4 collection is sitting at 18 must own games.

Perhaps you should include that it would be to you. Because customers of X1 and PS4 seems pretty satisfied with the games the have. And considering the speed of sales of PS4 and SW sales of both platforms they seem to be buying much more than 3DS and Wii U... so who should be in shame?

Yeah, that brings to light a serious problem for Nintendo. Most people don't know about or don't care for the vast majority of quality Nintendo titles. Your average consumer just wants to play a few FPS or some sports games or whatnot. But then again the 3DS easily outsells the XB1 every week. So maybe not everyone is so ill informed. 

What is SW sales?

Also, didn't mean to imply that PS4 doesn't have any games. TBH, the PS4 is an amazing system with a treasure trove of games. It is quickly outpacing the PS3 library.