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Soundwave said:

SMD64 has opened himself to criticism because he's been pushing a theory for like 6+ months now with no proof. At this point I think even he might suspect deep down he's wrong, but he's getting views to his Youtube channel so he's milking it and that's the most annoying thing about Nintendo taking so damn long to unveil this thing. 

The best thing about the NX reveal will be having people like that get their channels basically shut down because no one is going to care what they think once we have the official story. 

Disagree with your assetment of a "shared library" Wii U ... if Splatoon and Mario Kart 8 and Mario 3D World were on the 3DS and the graphics were similar (not quite as good but close enough) I think the Wii U would've sold *even worse*. 

Many people are going to say "screw that" if you ask them to pay $250-$300+ more to basically to play the same handheld games but just on the TV. The handheld itself should be able to display games on the TV ... my guess is Nintendo realized this too in the design process and opted to go the hybrid approach. With the way technology is today there's no reason to force people to have to buy two seperate pieces of hardware to do what Nintendo wants. 

SMD is getting views because he accurately predicted something that everyone else wrote off, he also doesn't misdirect in his views either as he clearly lets people know that a lot of his discussions are speculation unless otherwise stated and tbh his speculation is plausible as the is an AMD win around and all it's not some wild speculation like how you're reacting to it.

Nope Wii U would have sold more because then it would have the 3DS library available on it, these games would have brought more sales than what Wii U will eventually end up with.

No many people prefer to play with a console set up it's not forcing people to buy two sets of hardware it's giving the option of the person's prefered set up, the technology today doesn't remove a number of questions about a hybrid set up.