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3 hours since last update:

#16 PSVR Headset (up 1)
#17 PSVR Launch Bundle (down 1)
#25 PS4 Pro (up 1)*
#56 XB1s-1tb Battlefield Bundle (up 9)
#58 PS4s UC4 Bundle (up 1)
#61 PS4 Fool's Edition (down 4)
#76 PS4 UC4 Bundle (down 5)
#83 N3DSXL Galaxy (same)

Does not affect this month (*)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)
#04 3DS Pokemon Moon (same)
#05 3DS Pokemon Sun (same)
#55 PS4 World Of Final Fantasy (same)

PS4: 4 in the top 100 / 1 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10
XB1: 1 in the top 100 / 0 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10

Now it's getting interesting! First we have to take into consideration that for nearly 2 weeks 3 - 4 PS4 SKUs have been above XB1 SKUs. Then we have to take into consideration for most of those 2 weeks the XB1 SKUs got no higher than #80. So the PS4 will have built up quite a lead over those two weeks. The question is, can ONE XB1 SKU (if it stays above PS4 SKUs that affect this month) make up ground before the end of the month? The Pro has clearly been fluctuating between #25 and #28 which indicates it was indeed stronger software sales holding it below the top 20. IF the XB1 Battlefield Bundle can reach the top #20 then this HAS to indicate it's selling better (at this point) than any of the 4 PS4 SKUs originally dominating. Depending how long it holds a spot in the top 20 (if it gets there) will decide my prediction for this month.


The PS5 Exists.