Soundwave said:
I personally would probably prefer it, but it doesn't make a lot of sense logically (some Nintendo fans are in denial about this, but a Nintendo console at this stage would get slaughtered by the PS4+Neo/XB1+Scorpio) but beyond that there's too many sources saying hybrid and there are also curious comments from Nintendo where they keep referring to the NX in the singular tense. Also I'm old enough to have seen this song and dance before, with both the Wii and Wii U there was a vocal group of Nintendo fans that hyped the chipset for both machines (then Project: Revolution and Project: Cafe respectively) to be a lot better than what they actually ended up being because better technology was available at the time so naturally "it would make sense" for Nintendo to use that. I even remember Perrin Kaplan, of Nintendo of America at the time, getting roasted and called all types of ugly names when she said Revolution (Wii) would only be 2-3x the power of the GameCube and some people throwing a little shit-fit and saying she had no idea what she was talking about. If it was only Eurogamer, I would understand caution, but there are like 5-6 other sources now saying that and these are reputable sites, not little fan sites either. |
There will be a screen. There will be detachable controllers. It just won't be a tablet that plugs into the Tv, but rather a console that you can take the screened controller with you and do unique things.