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Well, it was a bit of work and I had some trouble but it's done for now. Pictures in the next post.

Well first of all the manual for the case is absolute shit. I don't even know if you can legally call it a manual.Instead of making separate pages for every language they cram them all together at every step. And it has a thousand pictures about taking the case apart but does only mention the thousand connectors with a few sentences that don't even tell you shit. Well, just look at this bollocks.

Then I had a lot of trouble with the screws. One of the mainboard holders I had to replace because it wouldn't take any screws. The PSU screws were too short. The 2.5" HDD screws did not fit into the SSD.

The case has way too many fan connectors. The cabling in the case was just absolute overkill. You can probably create a military grade wind canal with this thing. I doubt any kind of rig needs this much cooling.

My biggest issue was that my mainboard does not have enough USB2 headers. It has only one USB2 and two USB3 headers. I plugged in one of the USB2 connectors but it seems it doesn't work as I do not have connection on any of the 4 front USB2 ports. Not a real issue but kinda meh. But I'm too lazy to fiddle around with the cabling again.

It is not noisy but it is also not quiet. The fact that it's at all times 30cm away from my ears doesn't make it better. It is audible with my headphones on but it's a more pleasant lower pitch noise than my old case was. However the case fans seem to be pretty quiet since I don't hear a difference between no fans and full power fans. I'm actually not sure yet which fan does make the loudest noise.

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