Slimebeast said:
But hey, the 3DS was release like 5 years ago. Hardly does it damage Eurogamer's credibility if they were wrong on that perdiction back then. Also, the big factor against the AMD theory is that to my knowledge AMD doesn't have any GPU that can fit into a portable sized hybrid console, right? Arufly ~0.5TFLOP GPU performancer by the NX would be certainly enuff to make beautiful looking Nintendo games. It wouldn't be enuff to make multiplatforms look good, but Nintendo isn't reliable on multiplatforms for its success anyway. If the NX would be on par with Xbox One at 1.3 TFLOPS it would be a huge bonus, even if it was available just in "home console mode", but I don't expect it. It would mean incredible graphics and a major success. But the visual looks of the new open world Zelda suggests the NX will be rufly 0.5 TFLOPs (I know it runs on a Wii U, but judging from the engine design and stuff you can extrapolate and determine how the NX version will look. I think you can clearly see that the game is not being designed with Xbox One level of performance in mind). The new Zelda to me doesn't look 100% pleasing because it's a bit blurry, but for other Nintendo games like Donkey Kong, Mario and Picmin the NX graphics will be incredible. |
Again, the only rumor suggesting it's a tablet is the one suggesting it's Nvidia. If it's not Nvidia, it's also not a tablet, so AMD "fitting" isn't an issue.
And yes, the 3DS failure does discredit them. When you show you are willing to publish rumours that are eventually proven wrong, there is reason to doubt anything they publish.
Expect a true home console for NX, with a portable element.