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GoOnKid said:
mutantsushi said:

If a feature is garbage, games are going to tend to not use it.
 If the 2nd screen gamepad was really the bees knees, it would be well used. But there is really no reason for it to exist.  
With the effort it takes to tilt head down and refocus eyes to look at 2nd screen in controller, 
you could just tilt the controller with a gyro or press a button 
to have the main TV screen display a 2ndary display mode...
with the advantage that it isn't fully rendering both 100% of the time, using up precious CPU/GPU time...
And in fact that power could then enable things like higher resolution on main screen, crucially useful for RTS (also with CPU demands).
And of course instead of devs being "obligated" to utilize the screen and waste dev time implementing that for mediocre outcome,
they could just focus on awesome game design, and only IF THE GAME CALLS FOR IT use 2ndary display mode/window via gyro tilt/button.


I don't know... //Don't trust them//?  
If it's a dubious gimmick, just don't believe the rainbow unicorn tales.  I called Wii U's controller from day 1.  Not really a surprise.
As far as I'm concerned, simply removing the controller screen and keeping the Wii U otherwise the same would have at least allowed
them to drop the price, upfront and faster price drops, which would have helped it in the "2nd console" department and families on budget etc.
Nevermind not wasting their develoment focus on trying to make a crap gimmick look good, instead of just focusing on solid good games.
Or instead of dropping the price, the budget used for 2nd screen could have been used to beef up core hardware (CPU/GPU/RAM) instead,
which would have helped make ports work better, and enable better technical quality of exclusive games.  All that was clear from day 1. 

Thank you for the contribution but I feel like that if I started arguing with you, both of us would waste our time.

Uh, I don't know if that was directed at me, but if that was the case then let me clarify, I still like my Wii U and so far it's the only home console from this gen that I feel is worth owning. With that said, I still can't help but care about the missed potential.