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Shadow1980 said:
zero129 said:

You said it .

Yeah. You keep telling yourself that. Here in the real world that exists outside the bubble of epistemic closure that conspiracy theorists live in there are some things that simply aren't true. Well, this is rumor control, and here are the facts:

9/11 was not an inside job. It wasn't the Bush administration. It wasn't the Israelis/Mossad. It was Al Qaeda. And Osama bin Laden is fucking dead, and Seal Team Six blew his brains out.

Chemtrails do not exist.

Humans really did land on the moon.

Barack Obama is not a foreign agent or secret Muslim. He's as much of a natural born American as I am, and I'm a white boy who was born in Augusta, Georgia, and there's no reason to doubt he's sincere in his Christian beliefs.

HAARP is not a weather control machine.

Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK and acted alone.

Mass shootings are not a "false flag" perpetrated by the government to strip us of our gun rights.

There is no such thing as FEMA concentration camps.

There are no aliens or alien technology at Area 51 or anywhere else.

Crop circles are a prank pulled by clever people with too much time on their hands.

There is no ominous cabal like the Illuminati or Freemasons or Trilateral Commission secretly controlling the world or trying to create a New World Order. The only NWO that exists was the stable of wrestlers founded by Hogan, Hall, and Nash.

Global warming is not a hoax.

Vaccines do not cause autism.

GMOs are not a plot to control the food supply.

There is no plot to depopulate the planet of "useless eaters" or whatever.

Governments/corporations are not trying to suppress or cover up the existence of "free energy" or the cure for cancer because those things don't exist (and "free energy" never will).

Water flouridation is not a communist plot, or any other kind of plot either, unless you count plotting against dental caries.

The Clintons did not murder Vince Foster (or anyone else for that matter).

Elvis, Kurt Cobain, Tupac, and Michael Jackson are dead. Paul McCartney, however, is still very much alive.

There are no shape-shifting lizard people or other aliens that have infiltrated human societies.

I could go on, but you get the point (plus I got other stuff to do; Gears 4 comes out in less than an hour here). If it's something that came out of the mouth of Alex Jones or Mark Dice or any other conspiracy net (including that yutz who runs the website you linked to), or if it sounds like it could be the plot for an episode of The X-Files, it's essentially guaranteed to be a steaming pile of bullshit, no two ways about it.



I am sorry you seem more blind then a reasonable person as you advertise your self to be, if you do think if there is not something 'odd' or unquestionable about that. 


The JFK conspiracy theory is the most valid and legit conspiracy theory of our time. 


To dismiss it shows your a conformist to a lying government.