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potato_hamster said:
Mbolibombo said:

That is the problem right there. You cant put a date like that if your staff have to work for 70 hours a week. Simple as that. Staffs health will decline, I bet there is a reason as to why Chris Metzen is retiring as early as he is, he's mentaly done with working as much as he has with this despite his love for it.

Problem starts from the top. If staff has to work 70 hours a week.. yup there's the problem and there is no way around it. 

Some games have hard deadlines, and there's absolutely no way to change it. Think about games based on movies, or games based off of toy lines, or sports games. If those games don't come out by certain deadlines, there are enormous penalties from publishers, because the window to generate sales of those games is very limited.

Think about a game based on the FIFA World Cup. Imagine that game coming out two weeks before the work cup, vs. six months after the final has been played. Which release date would lead to higher sales?

It's not like we dont know 10 years ahead of a FIFA World Cup that it is taking place, or that some franchises comes with a game. I mean sure, things can happen along the way and for a few weeks people need to work longer. But it's not something that should be taken for granted. It's just horrible for everyone involved. The most talented people will get burnt out, it's just a matter of time.