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DonFerrari said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

So if all the companies go asking the advice of a Voodoo magician, then that somehow makes him an expert? Sorry, but being right is not a popularity contest. 

CEO's are in their posistion to being the best profit that they can. That means doing everything they can to screw over their employees and customers. You need more than knowlege to have a company. You need money. Sorry, if I don't have a million dollars laying around to start up my own company. 

No, you don't need a PHD to understand a subject. But ignoring the input of a PHD in favor of some layman, is an idiotic thing to do. 

I fail to see where did you got that asking advice makes someone an expert.

If you truly believe that making profit is about screwing employees and customers I have nothing else to discuss with you, and trust me even if you had 100M in the bank you wouldn't be able to start a company. But if you really knew what you pretend to know you wouldn't need more than 1k USD or even less to start your company.

And who is ignoring the input of PhD? But again I fail to see where do social scientists perform experiments on productivity and performance gains on production or abstract work. But again, you are the bright one and I'm the idiot and stupidy so you probably know better.

I'm done with you. You've done nothing but attack me personally. You don't even understand proper grammar. Only a fool argues with a fool. 


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