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I agree. This is one of the reasons I want Trump to win. The petrodollar will die eventually, and, for the sake of the world I want America to get healthy enough to survive such a event without trying to blow up the planet.
When Saddam tried to get out of the petrodollar, America killed him, when Gadaffi tried, they funded a revolution, when Bashar tried, they started the civil war with the Isis card. But Russia is a partner and have interests to defend in that region.
It is a explosive mixture and it must be stopped before it goes to far. No one wants another World War.
The american elite is just too pessimistic, they think America can not survive without the petrodollar money, they do not believe in America.
They are wrong, with effort America can be powerful by itself, without having to be a bully or use funny money tatics.
I hope they see that before it is too late, for the sake of us all.
Also, a America strong by itself is a tremedous blow against the globalist tendence. Which is great for everyone

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.