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DonFerrari said:
Cerebralbore101 said:
There have been tons of studies over the years showing that productivity is higher at 40 hours a week, than it is at 60. Why? Because people get burned out. Of course, suits don't understand this, and they fail to realize that someone working 60 hours a week only gets as much work done as someone working 50 hours a week. Once you factor in overtime, and loss in productivity you realize that these companies are throwing money out the window. Then, let's not even get into what a high turnover rate does to a company.

Sure, suits are all a bunch of idiots. They haven't done dozen of courses, years of experience, etc... Have you started your company yet using all the knowledge you have?

Bussinessmen are not psychologists, or social scientists. CEOs are nothing more than laymen when it comes to this topic. You might as well try appealing to the years of experience of a crab fisherman on the topic of global warming.