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I'm a bit upset to see the lack of activity in this thread but today is the second debate so I thought a bump might be worthwhile. Clinton has regained a lead in the polls following the first debate and is currently the favourite to win the election. Ohio, North Carolina and Florida have drifted towards Clinton, who currently holds between a 1-3% lead in each state. The map currently looks something like this:

*Note I used the lighter shades to denote 80-90% chance of winning and <80%. Not sure if that's how it's usually done but that's what I did. Data from fivethirtyeight

I did three simulations just for fun too:

*would have been hiliarious if Alaska went Democrat 3 times in a row, but it didn't happen. : (.
South Dakota somehow went Democrat twice although chances are low, Oregon and RI went Republican once each, very low chance but there's a slim possibility.