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I've always wondered this. I personally felt if a site isn't platform-agnostic, they're coming in with a slanted view toward a console and its games. I mean, they only exist to serve as fans of the one system, and give only news and views for it accordingly. I've never warmed to the one platfrom only sites, personally. I think their view can be too myopic. I like an opnion from a site that is exposed to many games over different platforms. Which leads to this, do you think reviews and scores from sites like these should go toward review aggregator sites like Metacritic and such? 

Maybe the opinions of the solo console reviewers from these sites are still valuable, but in the back of your mind you'll question if the site is capable of truly objective reviews when it comes to that platform's products, no matter what the score. While these sites reviewing games are perfectly fine, I think it's an opinion that should be more weighed within the confines of that site and the community they represent. I don't want to out sites in particular, but I've visited a couple that are definite Kool-Aid drinkers for they companies they like, and I wonder to myself, who are these reviews helpful for on a wider scale?

Regardless, everyone will buy what they want anyway, and that's fine. But, for those who want to be more informed about their purchases, it helps to get perspective from someone who's familiar with a genre of game, or coming in clean, not just solely a fan of the console it appears on.

Anyway, how about you?