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Slimebeast said:
SuaveSocialist said:

At least you're open with your belief that it isn't wrong to want to sexually assault women, nor to act upon those urges.  But I'm glad that I'm from a country that disagrees with your concept of consent only mattering if it isn't verified after the fact.

1.  Wait a minute, what did Trump say?
2.  Didn't he only said he tried to grab them in the pussy?
3.  If a girl is flirtateous it's sometimes okay to touch the pussy.

1.  "I'm automatically attracted to beautiful -- I just start kissing them.  It's like a magnet.  Just kiss.  I don't even wait." -- Trump
 "When you're a star they let you do it.  You can do anything.  Just grab 'em by the pussy.  You can do anything." --Trump
2.  No, he said that he just does it (and that he just starts kissing them because magnets).  Probably why numerous women have accused him sexual harassment/assault over the years, and a great deal more have complained about his unwanted advances.  Naturally, Trump responded by trying to ruin them all financially.
3.  Trump never said anything about them being flirtatious.  He gave no context of when it's okay or not okay to make a move (unless you count being 'a star' as being entitled to do it whenever you want).  He just says that he goes out and does these things.  It's the difference between desiring somebody and being a sexual predator.