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The oldest I still have is from ICO on ps2, the first game I bought after I moved oversees. I left the other PAL games and saves behind. On PC it's more recent due to hdd crashes, but maybe SOE still has my original Everquest characters somewhere waiting for me to come back, the game is still going since '99.

There's a large gap after consoles went with internal storage. XBox hdd died, 360 died, PS3 died, Wii died. Not that it really matters. The saves are either from a completed game or one I won't pick up again after all this time. The only ones I miss are my Rollercoaster tycoon creations, not even a screenshot left :( I actually uploaded my favorite park to a savegame exchange site, however I can't find the site anymore.

The oldest saves I actually still use are from DDR and Wii Fit, data going back to 2008.