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disolitude said:
TheRealMafoo said:


Apple is gaining on their OS market by HUGE numbers. If the trend continues along the path it is, in 5 years there will be more OSX users then Windows users.

I don't know how well MS can support themselves if OS sales decline in those numbers.

This is simply incorect

Here is a 2006 graph showing mac OS marketshare at 6.38%

US numbers:
Looking at the numbers for February of 2007 compared to February 2008, Apple has every reason to be optimistic about current and future growth. In February 2007, their market share in the United States was 9% and this year in February it was 14%. This translates out to an overall PC growth of 60% and a 67% increase in revenue. More specifically, there was a 55% increase in desktop computers and a 64% increase in notebook computers.

So if that trend continues (60%), in 5 years, Apple will have most of the market. I am sure there will not be a 60% growth year over year (there can't be, because that would be 146% of the market in 5 years), but if the trend continues, Apple will have a huge portion of it.

Another thing is virtually all Apple sales are because people wanted the product. Most Vista sales are because it was a requirement (meaning the IT department required it, or software requirements).

As IT departments learn to accept UNIX OS’s, and more and more applications become web based, more and more people will go with what they want, and not what is required. Bad for MS.

MS has other strong area’s (the 360, applications, development tools, server tools and OS’s), but if they lose the desktop OS market, I don’t know what it will do to them as a company.