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LurkerJ said:

Rules have changed the moment Google decided to go into the hardware business. Not to mention, Nexus devices received no substantial marketing and they weren't entirely Google products either, less than 1% of Android devices sold were Nexuses. Google is leveraging their PIXEL smartphones using Google Assistant, that's not the same as before at all.

Yeah I guess I can see that. Though I would say Google is doing this because the dominant Android manufacturer (samsung) has strongly suggested they are going to eventually become their own OS and drop things such as default Google services on their platform. That is cause for concern to Google I'd think as the sole reason they support Android is to push their search/ad business.

Also, I'd point out that Nexus was a small % of android devices sold due to a few different reasons. Google didn't advertise, they were lower-end by design, Verizon and other carriers didn't push them or offer at all (not sure about out of US carriers). Pixel looks to be opposite of all of that.

But I do think Assitant will be out for all sooner than you think just as Google has never limited support of their products on iPhones. In fact, sometimes the iOS version was better or launched new features before the Android version.