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Captain Toad was a game that fans wanted, and I to wanted a full Captain Toad game after play Mario 3D World. It was understandably a small release despite its launch price.

Starfox Zero and Paper Mario Colour Splash are just Nintendo being their usual stubborn self not listening to fans and making games the way fans wanted.

Yoshi was considered good to those that played it.

Animal Crossing, Mario Tennis, Mario Party are all definitely filler games. Shameful but understandable as Nintendo desperately needed something to fill their empty release schedule.
What looks better to investors? Releasing 2 top quality games a year, or 4-6 smaller titles in the same time frame?

While I am arguing the issue I do think Nintendo need to lift their game with the NX. They need to release bigger titles at a consistent pace.

Australian Gamer (add me if you like)               
NNID: Maraccuda              
PS Network: Maraccuda