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I was trying to think of a jrpg that hit it big this gen but I can't think of any that aren't on a portable. The wii doesn't have any, Opoona didn't do so hot. The 360 doesn't have any that have sold over a million I don't think. LO did what? 600k? I think that's the best selling JRPG this gen, Fire Emblem 10 is at 500k making it I think the second best selling. The PS3 doesn't have any JRPGs that have sold any significant amount either.

 JRPGs just don't seem to be big movers world wide at least anymore. I'm curious as to how Tales Of Symphonia 2 with do, and FF13 is still a long long way off. Are Jrpgs on consoles just not very popular anymore?

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