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Also I forgot to comment on this:


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It is seemed that the first sipments of DQS will increase.


The current first shipment for DQ:S was at 250k to retailers. Minna Golf is at 300k to retailers. An increase in DQ:S should put it at least even with Minna Golf unless its a massive increase in orders by retailers. But Im guessing a 50k increase since we dont have anything else to go on. Its good that they have confidence in the game, that means they will push it lol. Not bad for a spinoff. With a surefire 300k already sold from Square/Enix to retailers for the first shipment, the game has surely already broken even and turned a profit before it even released. Same for Sony and Minna no golf. God that must feel so awesome as a company lol. Your winning before the race has even started.