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Zappykins said:
Landguy said:

THe 1tb XB1s comes with a $59.99 game included, and the game isn't always a MS title.

I literally just bought an XB1s 1tb Madden Bundle yesterday for $349.00.  Bestbuy also is giving a free $59.99 game with that, so I got FOrza Horizon 3.   BestBuy matched Walmart that also has a free 2nd controller too.  

The real price I just paid was $349.99 - $59.99(Game)=$290.00   - $39.99(controller)=$250   - $59.99 (madden) = $190!

I already had a launch XB1, but i had been waiting to get a PS4pro for a game system and 4k Bluray player.  When the specs came out that the PS4pro didn't have the 4k bluray, it was an easy choice.  I looked and all of the 4k bluray players are $319+.

You are quite the good deal maker.  I salute you!

How do you like the S compaired to your original model?

Anyhoo, on topic.  I'm expecting the premium Xbox Scoripo bundle to be around $499.  But they might have a less expensive model for $349ish.

Yes, I appreciate the 1s.  I wanted a 4k bluray player and it does that great.  i also got Forza3, and HDR is pretty cool.  I didn't compare it to my old XB1, but the 4k 75 Samsung HDR tv with the 1s looks awesome.

I agree they will have a Base model at 349-449. 

It is near the end of the end....