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kennyschraub said:
jason1637 said:
Do you guys think Gears will do more than UC4 in the US?

Gears will outsell UC4 about 1.4:1 at retail in the US
including digital Gears will outsell UC4 about 2:1 in the US

That ratio will increase to 3:1 or even more in the next 2 years

Lol, it is possible and likely for Gears to outsell Uncharted 4 in the USA. But, have in mind that Uncharted 4 wasn't  bundled and did not had a holidays sales. Halo is supposed  to have sold over 5 millions of units worldwide. Uncharted 4 nearly crossed 1 million at retail in the month of launch, probably surpassed 1 million with digital. Do you expect gears to sell 6+ millions, if Uncharted 4 only sells 2 millions despite being  bundled, only on the USA ?