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Kresnik said:
taus90 said:

Wipeout HD was not an HD "Remake" of any previous wipeout games.

Yes it is, lol.  Why on earth do you think it's called WipEout HD?  It's a HD version of Pure & Pulse (the PSP titles).  All the content is lifted from one of those two titles.

Ops i forgot there were technically two releases of wipeout HD, HD Fury I was talking about Fury that came on Disc. What i meant was it was not a re- release of any specific past games, it was a mash up of two games and not a remaster or collection of sort like ghost of sparta, FF type 0. It was grounds up built on a new engine. Like Ratchet and Clank, which according to me is a new game and not a straight up remake of the original one.