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Ka-pi96 said:

Well considering I wrote in my original post `the only ones I can think of` it`s actually the sales that are irrelevant. It doesn`t matter if a game sold 2 copies or a billion copies, if I can`t remember it/think of it when talking about the PS3s big 1st party games then I`m not going to mention it.

Anyone would have hard time remebering 6 to 9 years old catlogue compared to current gen games that are still relevant and fresh in memory, which doesnt help your argument that PS4 has more memorable games than PS3. Considering the games u mentioned on PS4 are the only 1st party exclusive games on PS4 right  now. If u ask any Playstation fan you will always find them in favor of Killzone 2 > Shadow Fall, Uncharted 2 > Uncharted 4, Infamous 1/2 > Second Son. Also again its ur personal choice to like games, but it doesnt change the fact that Sony 1st party worldwide studio was churning out high quality games on a machine which was a nightmare to develop on compared to PS4.