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eva01beserk said:
CGI-Quality said:

Sure, if we didn't do the same for PCs. But it doesn't work that way. The system can't, and wouldn't, exist in a vacuum.

I agree, but wont it kind of benefit more a console? I mean pc gaming did only rose in the last few years. Back in 2003 it was pretty niche to game on pc compared to today, while consoles was just booming with ps2, gc, xbox.

PC has been a pretty big force in the industry for longer than that.

Let's look at games before 2003... Diablo, StarCraft, WarCraft, Evolva, Dungeon Keeper, Battlezone, Sacrifice, Arcanum, Baulders Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights, Heroes of Might and Magic, Kings Quest, The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, System Shock 2, Unreal Tournament, Quake, Doom, The Settlers, Civilization, Alpha Centauri, The Sims, Age of Empires... And More. We had tons of games that would later end up console at some point... Some even becoming massive multi-platform franchises like the Elder Scrolls.

The Audio revolution happened on PC. Was pioneered on PC.

The 3D revolution happened on PC, was pioneered on PC.

... And while you were busy playing your Playstation 2... The PC was dabbling in Tessellation that wouldn't appear in a Playstation console untill the Playstation 4.

In the mid-90's you could game in 1080P whilst consoles were experimenting with 480P...
In the early 2000's the PC had 4k displays whilst consoles were starting to push 720P with the 360.

PC Gaming has always been *massive* and without it, your consoles wouldn't be as powerful as they are today, it's all thanks to the PC and PC gamers funding the technological progress of PC GPU's over the decades.
Many great GPU companies litter the ground with their ashes, but pushed innovation... (3dfx, 3Dlabs, Rendition, SGI, Number 9, Tseng labs and more)
Companies like S3, Matrox, PowerVR and more bowed out of the race... To have AMD and nVidia emerge and become the status quo.

Back in my younger days people used to dial into each others computers to play multiplayer games.. My high school would hold "Lock in" nights where we were locked into a room with dozens of networked PC's all playing each other for 24 hours straight no sleep... And this was all in the 90's.
Consoles wouldn't start to push internet gaming until the Dreamcast/Original Xbox years later.

SvennoJ said:

That's the difference between HDR and no HDR rendering, not between fp16 and fp32. Only comparison I can find is also from 12 years ago. Top is fp16, bottom fp32

Ummm. But that's exactly what I was trying to show? The difference between HDR and no HDR?
I already showed the difference between fp16 and fp32 prior in this thread.

SvennoJ said:

I have no clue either whether you pick up the difference more easily in VR. Those VR screens aren't very bright to begin with and certainly not HDR capable, perhaps you notice it less and high amounts of bloom as in that Far Cry example could be annoying in VR.

We'll see soon enough. My guess is simpler looking games will be preferable at first in VR anyway. 960x1080 or 1080x1200 spread out over 100 degrees doesn't allow for a lot of intricate detail. Hmm Windwaker VR, I'll keep dreaming.

This is what I am interested to experience when the time comes.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--